Raisin bran crunch nutrition information
Raisin bran crunch nutrition information

raisin bran crunch nutrition information

Clicking a category (calories, fat, carbs, etc.) will sort the data in that column from lowest to highest. So, if you've only been eating cereal based on how yummy it is, here is your chance to start taking nutrition into account as well. Also included at the end are my picks for the best and worst cereals. To help show this, I've put together a side-by-side comparison of over 50 of the most popular breakfast cereals from Post, Kellogg's, General Mills and more to see how they all stack up against each other in terms of their nutritional content and ingredients. It is there, my friends, where the important differences can be found.

raisin bran crunch nutrition information

Even still, the biggest differences lie not on the front of the cereal boxes, but rather on the back. Others however just want you to see their "wacky" cartoon characters and "fun" shapes and colors. Some claim to be high in whole grains and fiber, to be a good source of vitamins and minerals, and to be good for your heart and cholesterol. Despite coming in similar sized boxes, with similar shaped pieces, for similar priced prices, there are quite a few differences between most cereals. Of course, not all breakfast cereal is equal. It's as quick and easy as can be, and it just so happens that most cereals taste fantastic. You could have eaten it in a bowl with milk, in a bowl without milk, or just by taking handfuls right out of the box. You could have eaten it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack in between. In fact, cereal isn't even just a breakfast food. So, what did you eat for breakfast this morning? More likely than not, it was cereal.

Raisin bran crunch nutrition information